Konso Development Association (KDA):
KDA is non-political, non-religious and non-profit making local NGO (Nationality Development Association) registered with government of Ethiopia as Ethiopian Residents Charity with its certificate bearing registration number 1338. Now KDA operates in 43 kebeles of Konso Woreda; however the number of operational kebeles per year depends on the availability of funds and active projects.
Organisational Governance:
KDA has General Assembly, supreme organ of the Association, which takes place at the end of every budget year. Below is the board of directors and internal control or audit committee assigned by the general assembly. KDA office is located in Karat, Konso and the office is lead by managing director. The major statues of the organization include organizational bylaw; KDA staff charter (HR), financial and procurement manual; Strategic document; annual reports and plans including financial audit reports. KDA has its own promises used for the head office to undertake its activities.