KDA is Currently running 5 projects with other partners/donors in addition to its regular internal budgeted annually planned activities.
1. Project Title: Forest Garden Project
Project Objective:
To assurance of food security, increasing House hold income, improving productivity and environmental resilience in Konso Woreda of Segen Area People’s Zone in SNNPRs.
Target Kebeles: 4 Kebeles namely; Durayte, Gocha, Debena and Kemele/Lehayte.
Beneficiaries: The whole community
Partner: Tree for the future, Government offices/Konso woreda office of Agriculture and Rural Development
Budget: ET. Birr 1,433,140.00
2. Project Title: Safe Water Supply, Improved Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Project
Project Objective: Improve the livelihood of the community and contribute to the reduction of poverty in the woreda through provision of adequate and safe water, appropriate sanitation facilities and promotion of hygienic practices.
Target Kebeles: Four Kebeles of Konso Woreda: Namely Lehayte, Tishmale, Mecheke and Naleya Segen
Beneficiaries: Total 52,365(Water – 15,870, Sanitation-22,627 and Hygiene- 13,868)
Partner: WaterAid In Ethiopia(Donor) with other collaborators: Bureau of Water Mines and Energy, Bureau of health, Bureau of Education and
online relevant offices from zone to Woreda level.
Budget: ET. Birr 14,594,781.38
3. Project Title: Social Accountability Initiative in SNNPR District of Konso, in Segen Area Peoples’ Zone as a means to achieve good governance and increased public participation for improved public service delivery
Project Objective: To promote the use of social accountability tools and approaches by citizens and citizens communities, local civil society organizations, government officials, and service providers in order to make basic service delivery more effective, gender-sensitive, inclusive, responsive and accountable.
Target Kebeles: Three Kebeles: Fasha, Doha and Kemele
Beneficiaries: Community of the targeted area
Partner: PICDO- Progress Integrated Community Development Organization as a leading organization for the project, WB – donor, with Woreda government offices such as Road and Transport Authority Office, finance and Economic Development Office, Administration Office, counsel office, etc
Budget: ET. Birr 1,303,043.50
4. Project Title: Economic Empowerment of Vulnerable Group through Pro-Active and Participatory Community Involvement Project
Project Objective: To to raise the livelihood condition of vulnerable groups through active community and stakeholder’s involvement.
Target Kebeles: Five Kebeles: Karat town, Kamole, Naleya Segen, Gaho and Borkara
Beneficiaries: Community of the targeted area
Partner: CCRDA- Consortium for Christian Relief and Development Association as a project Donor by the funded gained from Civil Society Support Program/CSSP under British Counsel in Ethiopia, with Woreda government offices such as Health Office, finance and Economic Development Office, Education Office, Agriculture office, etc
Budget: ET. Birr 634,690.00
5. Project Title: Integrated Strengthening Community Response to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Support Project
Project Objective: to enhance capacity of local influential institutions, schools anti HIV/AIDS clubs, youth associations and community structures to raise the awareness of community in HIV/AIDS prevention and Control, strengthening the affected and infected by economic support, is also provide home based HIV counseling and testing service.
Target Kebeles: Eight Kebeles: Karat town, Doha, Segen town, Arfayde, Gera, Sewgame, Fasha and Kashale
Beneficiaries: Community of the targeted area
Partner: US of American Embassy in Addis Ababa- as a project Donor with Woreda government offices such as Health Office, finance and Economic Development Office, Education Office, Agriculture office, etc
Budget: ET. Birr 518,594.00
6. Project Title: Building Resilience and Adaptation for Climate Extreme Drought (BRACED) Project
Project Objective: to enhance the roles of rural poor households and their traditional or community institutions to bring social and economic stability in 5 kebeles (Kamale, Gelgele-Kolmale, Doha, Tebela-Kuchale and Masoya of Konso woreda of SNNPR) through climate smart income and livelihood interventions.
Targeted Kebeles: Kamale, Gelgele-Kolmale, Doha, Tebela-Kuchale and Masoya Kebeles
Donor: European Union Delegation to Ethiopia by Civil Society Fund II
Project implementer: Konso Development Association (KDA) as a Project Coordinator in consortium With VITA/RTI as a co-applicant.
Project stakeholders: Departments of Segen Area Peoples Zone such as Department of Finance and Economic Development, The Department of Agriculture and Natural Resource Development and Department of Women and Children Affairs and Konso Woreda online sector offices.
Beneficiaries: 1125 households of poor small holder farmers, 300 poor women hhs and 100 unemployed youth
Budget: 275,000 Euro
7. Project Title: Education Quality Improvement through Construction of School Rooms and Students Support Project in Konso woreda in SNNPR
Project Objective: is to enhance to education quality improvement in konso woreda through construction of additional school rooms for the targeted community.
Project Target Kebeles: Lehayte Kebele
project Beneficiaries: Kalado village and surrounding community
Project Donor: Rise Up inc, USA
Project Stakeholders: Woreda Government Office of Education, Finance and Economic Development, Schools and Community.
Project Budget: ETB 692,631.48
8. Project Title: Konso Preparatory and Secondary High School G+1 Modern Library Construction Project
project Objective: is to provide access for school age boys and girls the capacity to enhance the learning process of the community by creating suitable situations and availing conducive reading place that back up learning process; this will contribute in raising general education quality as a first step towards removal of the social and economic Backwardness plan of the woreda
Project Target Kebeles: Konso community as a whole
project Beneficiaries: the whole surrounding community
Project Donor: Konso Development Association (KDA) from its internal income sources
Project Stakeholders: Segen Area peoples Zone Department of Education and Finance & Economic Development and Woreda Government Office of Education, Finance and Economic Development, Konso Preparatory and Secondary High School and Konso Community.
Project Budget: ETB 4,030,121.63
Project Objective:
To assurance of food security, increasing House hold income, improving productivity and environmental resilience in Konso Woreda of Segen Area People’s Zone in SNNPRs.
Target Kebeles: 4 Kebeles namely; Durayte, Gocha, Debena and Kemele/Lehayte.
Beneficiaries: The whole community
Partner: Tree for the future, Government offices/Konso woreda office of Agriculture and Rural Development
Budget: ET. Birr 1,433,140.00
2. Project Title: Safe Water Supply, Improved Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Project
Project Objective: Improve the livelihood of the community and contribute to the reduction of poverty in the woreda through provision of adequate and safe water, appropriate sanitation facilities and promotion of hygienic practices.
Target Kebeles: Four Kebeles of Konso Woreda: Namely Lehayte, Tishmale, Mecheke and Naleya Segen
Beneficiaries: Total 52,365(Water – 15,870, Sanitation-22,627 and Hygiene- 13,868)
Partner: WaterAid In Ethiopia(Donor) with other collaborators: Bureau of Water Mines and Energy, Bureau of health, Bureau of Education and
online relevant offices from zone to Woreda level.
Budget: ET. Birr 14,594,781.38
3. Project Title: Social Accountability Initiative in SNNPR District of Konso, in Segen Area Peoples’ Zone as a means to achieve good governance and increased public participation for improved public service delivery
Project Objective: To promote the use of social accountability tools and approaches by citizens and citizens communities, local civil society organizations, government officials, and service providers in order to make basic service delivery more effective, gender-sensitive, inclusive, responsive and accountable.
Target Kebeles: Three Kebeles: Fasha, Doha and Kemele
Beneficiaries: Community of the targeted area
Partner: PICDO- Progress Integrated Community Development Organization as a leading organization for the project, WB – donor, with Woreda government offices such as Road and Transport Authority Office, finance and Economic Development Office, Administration Office, counsel office, etc
Budget: ET. Birr 1,303,043.50
4. Project Title: Economic Empowerment of Vulnerable Group through Pro-Active and Participatory Community Involvement Project
Project Objective: To to raise the livelihood condition of vulnerable groups through active community and stakeholder’s involvement.
Target Kebeles: Five Kebeles: Karat town, Kamole, Naleya Segen, Gaho and Borkara
Beneficiaries: Community of the targeted area
Partner: CCRDA- Consortium for Christian Relief and Development Association as a project Donor by the funded gained from Civil Society Support Program/CSSP under British Counsel in Ethiopia, with Woreda government offices such as Health Office, finance and Economic Development Office, Education Office, Agriculture office, etc
Budget: ET. Birr 634,690.00
5. Project Title: Integrated Strengthening Community Response to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Support Project
Project Objective: to enhance capacity of local influential institutions, schools anti HIV/AIDS clubs, youth associations and community structures to raise the awareness of community in HIV/AIDS prevention and Control, strengthening the affected and infected by economic support, is also provide home based HIV counseling and testing service.
Target Kebeles: Eight Kebeles: Karat town, Doha, Segen town, Arfayde, Gera, Sewgame, Fasha and Kashale
Beneficiaries: Community of the targeted area
Partner: US of American Embassy in Addis Ababa- as a project Donor with Woreda government offices such as Health Office, finance and Economic Development Office, Education Office, Agriculture office, etc
Budget: ET. Birr 518,594.00
6. Project Title: Building Resilience and Adaptation for Climate Extreme Drought (BRACED) Project
Project Objective: to enhance the roles of rural poor households and their traditional or community institutions to bring social and economic stability in 5 kebeles (Kamale, Gelgele-Kolmale, Doha, Tebela-Kuchale and Masoya of Konso woreda of SNNPR) through climate smart income and livelihood interventions.
Targeted Kebeles: Kamale, Gelgele-Kolmale, Doha, Tebela-Kuchale and Masoya Kebeles
Donor: European Union Delegation to Ethiopia by Civil Society Fund II
Project implementer: Konso Development Association (KDA) as a Project Coordinator in consortium With VITA/RTI as a co-applicant.
Project stakeholders: Departments of Segen Area Peoples Zone such as Department of Finance and Economic Development, The Department of Agriculture and Natural Resource Development and Department of Women and Children Affairs and Konso Woreda online sector offices.
Beneficiaries: 1125 households of poor small holder farmers, 300 poor women hhs and 100 unemployed youth
Budget: 275,000 Euro
7. Project Title: Education Quality Improvement through Construction of School Rooms and Students Support Project in Konso woreda in SNNPR
Project Objective: is to enhance to education quality improvement in konso woreda through construction of additional school rooms for the targeted community.
Project Target Kebeles: Lehayte Kebele
project Beneficiaries: Kalado village and surrounding community
Project Donor: Rise Up inc, USA
Project Stakeholders: Woreda Government Office of Education, Finance and Economic Development, Schools and Community.
Project Budget: ETB 692,631.48
8. Project Title: Konso Preparatory and Secondary High School G+1 Modern Library Construction Project
project Objective: is to provide access for school age boys and girls the capacity to enhance the learning process of the community by creating suitable situations and availing conducive reading place that back up learning process; this will contribute in raising general education quality as a first step towards removal of the social and economic Backwardness plan of the woreda
Project Target Kebeles: Konso community as a whole
project Beneficiaries: the whole surrounding community
Project Donor: Konso Development Association (KDA) from its internal income sources
Project Stakeholders: Segen Area peoples Zone Department of Education and Finance & Economic Development and Woreda Government Office of Education, Finance and Economic Development, Konso Preparatory and Secondary High School and Konso Community.
Project Budget: ETB 4,030,121.63